So I tried out the theory of Margaret Starbird, relating to the myth surrounding the Mary Magdalene and how the Catholic church has co-corrupted the idea of the paradigm of Jesus, Mary and God. The trine that was redefined as Mary (Virgin mother, although she could well have been a Vestal Virgin before marriage) Jesus, a celibate and God, a male God by definition.
It went down like a tonne of bricks ; )
How, in France after 42AD the heretics denigrated and burned anything that was related to Mary Magdalene and then history went on to remove her story from the scriptures and proclaim her as a 'whore'. By this time in history the definition of 'whore' would have had very different connotations to the word in ancient times. Now, based on the theory that the duty of all Jewish fathers to: circumcise, find them a trade and a wife before the age of twenty, there was absolutely no way that Jesus was an unmarried celibate. It would not have been a possibility in the religion and culture of this time.
However it would have been a reasonable claim to suggest that Mary was a prostitute because there did exist 'Temple Prostitutes', which is a grey area indeed. They were not usually prostitutes in the modern definition of the word, they were women from high families who were single, educated and up for bidding for respectable men. They were more than likely able to live as 'singles' in the role of women of the temple and bearers of the flame.
What lacks credibility is the way that so much of the book of Mary was lost/destroyed.....just like the mysterious death of the Pope who was to reveal things and the corrupt Vatican chose to keep their power in the situation by killing off the one Pope who was prepared to reveal some truths (he was probably an Ophiuchus/Sagittarius : )
The Vatican and their shifting the paradigm was one with a great motive. I meant that in calling the trilogy 'a virgin mother' a 'celibate son' and a 'male God supreme' it takes sex and sexuality out of the equation, it takes procreation out of the equation. Then where would it leave the human race? Nowhere. Believe that, you'll believe anything. That is the premiss on which the Catholic church is built. Lies.
In fact, the redefinition of the trine is so outrageously a ridiculous one, it is fucked up. So-o-o-o-o-o-o far fetched that once you tell one big whopping lie, and people believe can lie your ass off forever. Point blank zero.
And what did this achieve in the long term. The Vatican kept their power and money and the myth was re told in order to denigrate an heroic woman and other women to follow. Like, tarring and feathering a beautiful woman, and being told that it is fair punishment, exiling her, repudiating her image and then that's ok? I think not. Disrespect women, degrade them publicly and build a patriarchy on top of her burned bones. What a good plan that was. (the last sentence was sarcastic)