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Writer's picture: Laura WrightLaura Wright

10. 06.19

That was an interesting and complex read. I used the traditional spread with four lots of 'explain cards' on every one of the ten cards laid out.

I read more clearly in the evenings, when it's quiet and still...I'm less 'clouded' in my intuition, at night.

Anyways, giving no fig-nuts...(sounding like one of my black American tarot Youtube ladies) like traditional readers, I ask 'spirit' for guidance through dealing and reading the cards. Many people suggest that tarot is occultist and a dark art that is anti-G-d. These views are based on pure ignorance. Many Christians are very against Tarot.

I could not discuss astrology or Tarot within my family. My mother was quite anti astrology and pro-Christian. I began to sway towards astrology as young as 9 years-old. I was given a book about (cartoon book) called 'The Sagittarius Personality'. Ironically from my mum (who'd bought it at the local hospital fete book stall).

I liked the line drawings and the small sentenced personality traits in combination. I also liked that the traits were all very nice, apart from the one that said 'Sagittarians are easily duped' and 'Inclined to preach', 'They are impatient', and 'They are often deceived by people'...'Love gambling : { These were the bad bits.

The other bits, all good. 'Generous', 'hospitable', 'Excel at charity work', 'like to see wickedness punished..and good rewarded', 'Can make things grow', They love action..are incurable great courage in the face of danger, unpredictable, high-spirited, enjoy exploring foreign lands, have a lively curiosity...ending with...'and are always good-humoured... : ) (it gets you through the hard bits : )

In my late teens and early twenties I became more and more interested in Astrology, realising that it is both a science and an art. I had an understanding that we are more than one planet, we live in a universe and because of that, the planet (earth) is affected by the universal energies and the moon and solar storms etc.

Then there are other people who come from a school of thought that 'star signs' is just some boloney (Mystic Meg, newspaper astrology). This attitude is, again, coming from a place of ignorance.

Natal charts are fascinating. Many people go through life saying, 'I'm a Taurus, Virgo, Aquarius...etc'. Fact is, yes....also no. The time of the constellation most prevalent at the time of year of your birth represents the 'Sun sign', and this is just the peak of the iceberg. The most obvious. It also explains how no two individuals (born on the same calendar date/month/season) are not the same.

When someone tells me that astrology is BS, I feel sad for, "You have no idea, do you? I will not berate you for your ignorance - and will probably pray for you, because of it".

(I pray on auto-pilate, Like, something goes out, a little arrow to Jupiter/ my G-d..'Help them' - message on it...he always gets it).

Now that I've said that...who's up for some funny. If you copy and paste these (some of these) links...I defy you not to laugh....

The Sun sign represents, only, the way that you deal with the outside world - your outer mood ie. in the Sun/the light. The Sun symbolises life and the Moon maintains it.

G.S. and J.C. Sun sign Leo. Ruled by the Sun. Always the front men, sunny and bright.

A couple of Sun sign Scorps G.C. and J.R. (Pluto and Mars) in the back seat.

J.Lo Sun sign Leo

There is the influence of lunar activity as well. Moon sign ie. emotional responses and your inner mood ie. inside a bit hidden. Moon rules the constellation of Cancer.

G.M. (RIP) Sun sign Cancer

The Rising sign (constellation rising at birth time) representing your gut reaction and how you 'appear' or 'your face on the surface' to the outside world, but not how you interact, especially.

These are the three most dominant parts of a natal chart. The obvious peak of the iceberg. Then, of course all of the other planetary placements...they all work in symbiosis.

*My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles

Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune (where TF is Pluto?)

My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles-Picante (Spicey Noodles)

Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune-Pluto

Smallest planet, Mercury is the planet that retrogrades the most. Mercurial energy is fast moving and changeable. Associated with the intellect. Planet/G-d of communication. When Mercury retrogrades, it is not unusual to have broadband drop out, phone stops working, you don't say a lot...or say the wrong things. When it's out of retrograde...the opposite occurs. Mercury rules both constellations of Gemini and Virgo.

L.G-G Sun sign Virgo

A.M. Sun sign Gemini

Venus is unusual because it spins the opposite direction of Earth (the same size) and most other planets. Brightest planet. So bright, it can be seen with the naked eye. Too hot Sssssssssssss. There is no water on Venus. And its rotation is very slow. It is associated with love, the heart centre of matters. Venus is the G-ddess of Love, Sex and Money. Because it is so slow moving, it rarely retrogrades. It is a relatively consistent planet... kinda does it's own thing and does not affect earth in a bi-polarish way (like Mercury) Venus rules both constellations of Libra and Taurus.

B.M. Sun sign Libra

K.C. Sun sign Taurus

A. Sun sign Taurus

Earth...To make one complete rotation in 24 hours, a point near the equator of the Earth must move at close to 1000 miles per hour (1600 km/hr). The speed gets less as you move north. Stop the world, I want to get off...nah! That's not happening. Earth. It's a flipping amazing planet.

Mars...what to say without being mean, (being a pacifist)? Time On Mars Moves Faster Than Time On Earth. A second on Mars is slightly shorter than a second on Earth. ... For the same reason, time moves more slowly on the surface of high-gravity bodies like Earth than it does on smaller ones like Mars. It is the planet of energy. It reigns over willpower and the urge to violence or wild activity. Mars is the G-d of War. Ruler of Aries, and half rules Scorpio with Pluto. Aries is the first constellation of the zodiac, aka The Leader of the zodiac. Pisces is the last on the zodiac wheel.

E.J. Sun sign Aries

Jupiter....what to say...Big it up. It is the largest Planet/G-d. 12 years to orbit the Sun. Gaseous, fastest spinning planet with the largest moon. Got to give it some credit...Jupiter, the G-d of G-ds. I have a theory - that because Jupiter is the luckiest and most optimistic planet, and the planet of travel, expansion and higher knowledge - those born under Jupiter (Sagittarians) are actually highly favoured....children of G-d. Did you ever meet a Sagittarian who isn't smiling their way through life? They will often just wing it, because...luck tends to be on their (brighter) side. We also got a complication, here...Jupiter is now responsible for constellations Sagittarius and Ophiuchus (who is also under the wing of Pluto and Mars, being a hybrid of Sagittarius and Scorpio) The revelation of the thirteenth zodiac is up for discussion. Fact is, it has always been there, but thirteen is not a prime number. Not divisible.

Funny : )

T.S. Sun sign Sagittarius.

Saturn. Moon Titan. Gaseous with rings of ice. Bringer of old age. Hence, thirty years into your human life...Saturn returns. It is the bringer of age and thirty years later, Saturn will return..when you are sixty. Saturn spends two years. Saturn revolves or orbits around the Sun once every 29.4 Earth years. Saturn travels at an average speed of 21,637 miles per hour or 34,821 kilometers per hour in its orbit around the Sun. Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn.

Uranus. Kinda got an unfortunate name : ) Coldest planet. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Uranus revolves or orbits around the Sun once every 84 Earth years. Uranus travels at an average speed of 15,290 miles per hour or 24,607 kilometers per hour in its orbit around the Sun. 540mph are the speeds of it's icey winds. Flip that, my worst nightmare. But, Uranus is really Radical metaphysical (Rad, man - in **Keith Richards voice) Uranus is known in astrology as the "Awakener," since its aspects and transits bring sudden changes and shocks. It rules Aquarius, the quirky innovator, and sometimes these upheavals are a necessary break from restrictions in favour of a more liberated path. Currently we are living in "The Age of Aquarius" (ruled by Uranus) Radical times, man (KR voice, again) Just previous was the age of Pisces (spiritual, man..KR voice)

E.S. Sun sign Aquarius

Neptune. Lovely Neptune. The G-d of the Sea. Remember, 'The Little Mermaid', her dad was Neptune. Wayward Ariel. With an average orbital speed of 5.43 km/s, it takes Neptune 164.8 Earth years to complete a single orbital period. This means, in effect, that a year on Neptune lasts as long as about 165 years here on Earth. Flip that! A year that lasts 165 years. Imagine how old I would be...8,745 years-old. Yes, and I feel it, often.... or 8, if I numerically reduce. Sometimes, 8 sometimes nearly 9,000 years old (8,745) Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces in conjunction with Jupiter.

Not forgetting Pluto - linked to Neptune.

Pluto (minor planet designation: 134340 Pluto) is a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt, a ring of bodies beyond Neptune. It was the first Kuiper belt object to be discovered and is the largest known plutoid (or ice dwarf). Now, how I read this is that Pluto could be a very dense moon that is a part of Neptune's orbit. Nobody actually knows. Since it is the ruler of would make sense. Scorpio...small dark, and often partly hidden or in hiding. Secretive. Nobody knows a Scorpio, not really. They only reveal what they want you to see.

I recently read that Nasa is investigating the theory that there is more than one Pluto, possibly up to seven or so. We know little about Pluto, to date. I wonder if Neptune (under dense cloud) has several dense moons and that Pluto or Plutos, as we know it, are that. Not a planet.

To then apply this to all of the constellations...that's a whole other complexity. Fascinating, all the same. Now, more fascinating...Pluto - there may be 7, and constellations - there may be 13, and not 12. Ophuichus, a constellation falling between Scorpio and Sagittarius for a very short period of time, is now open to astrological discussion. Pluto may not actually be a planet.

* (don't worry about it, she was worn out from being fabulous all day and - for today - she did not give a flip to cook : )

** Team Sagittarius. You gotta heart him, big time. He grows lemons : ) Funny guy, wild guy, wise guy, humble guy, dresses kinda funny/eccentric......straight up....from the horses mouth.

Post Script:

Recording the things that interest me and my daily activities are in place for the time when I have developed inevitable dementia (full-blown) and I will be able to know what TF went down with me, who I am, who I was.....maybe make myself laugh : ) and because I like sharing. I have nothing to hide, only my inner secrets...

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