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Writer's pictureLaura Wright


... No, not a Beyonce song lyric

... everything.

That was not what i was going to say.


Why do older folk (myself included) feel the need to go to sunnier climes, a lot or to live?


When your eyes are this f*****, you can't see a f****** thing in this weather.

Go Ellen, go Ellen...she had the right idea.

Where's my head torch? I want to do some cooking.


Breakdown (not nervous) break-it-down

I keep making friends, accidentally. I don't go out to make friends, it happens.

I keep making people laugh. I don't go out to do this. It happens.

I keep making myself laugh. Personal therapy.

Children, girls mainly, keep on running into me...we usually chat or I tell them that they are pretty..and animals, many pooches here..I have to say hello to.

Men...well, lots of them too, who are always complimenting me, wanting to see me....again

...must be my halo and my booty : )

good nails day, good face day, good Autumn outfit and home ware day later...good fun day later...

I really would love to thank everyone who has emotionally murdered me, at some or other point in my life, and especially those special 'ex's' who have done some good old fashioned damage. Thanks. Really. I had to metamorphose (again)...rather be a butterfly than a cocoon.

Always be grateful, and especially to those who have hurt you and made you evolve. Thanks.

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