... you can't avoid them. Life will throw you a curve ball, when you least expect it. Catch it and run with it or get hit.
We get hit, we fall down, we get up. Sometimes we can avoid it, but when it's meant to hit you, it hits you for a reason, and we survive.
We are resilient. admittedly some of us more resilient than others. This is why and when I get philosophical, a lot (and lucky enough to be born under Ophuichus/Sagittarius, it comes easy to philosophise)
That's life. Shrug. How best to get up from a hit? Believe in your resilience. Believe that G=d has got your back. You are never alone, no matter how alone you may feel.
When I get knocked down, I fall hard (never one for half measures). I perceive that I will not recover, not get up because it seems too difficult. Then, I realise that I am like a war horse. I have been wounded many times, flat on the floor, looking like a gonner.
Says Frank from team Sagittarius/Ophiuchus
Then I accept that recovery is a slow process. I pray. I ask for answers. I treat myself with kindness, forgive myself for my mistakes, applaud my successes. Of course I have made mistakes, we all have, but I do not focus on them for too long - it gets depressing. I look at the pieces of me all over the floor and decide how to put myself back together. I realise that it is up to me to do it as slowly as is necessary. If slowly is one step forward and two steps back, that is still progress...it's an effort even when it doesn't get you moving forwards as quickly as you would like. Then, you have to have incredible belief in yourself and disregard what anyone else might be saying.
I take several long hard looks at myself, inside and out. I question everything and I begin to understand. It's like being naked. Me looking at me. The good bits, bad bit, lovely bits, the luscious bits, irritating bits, dark bits, light bits, weird bits, ugly bits, beautiful bits and I say "You are just perfect as you are (although there's always room for improvement)". Why? Because you are unique and nobody in the entire world had your blueprint. Isn't that amazing!!? It's amazing.
In tarot it is depicted as 'Tower falling', tarot spiritualists call it 'Tower Moment', it's a bit like a 'senior moment : ) but a million times worse. When your life seems to be falling around you in many pieces (tower falling) it might be a sign to rebuild, after chaos. It is a strong message that you were not on the right track. It's a way of being told that you should choose another direction. That's ok, we fall into things that are no good for us, we delude ourselves to hide from the truth. We all do it, until we decide not to be deluded.
Everyone has a tower moment, it all about what you do with the damage, after the wreckage. Time and patience, effort and stamina. If you got that, your winning already.
...and remember, "Be yourself, everyone else is taken" ; )
Kenny Rogers night...going on : ) chez moi