... the world, I want to get off.
There's a lot, here, in La-la Land going on.
Sargent Sagittarius must be aware of energy vampires : )
What's my recipe? What's my X Factor?
Wouldn't you like to know? : )
I have to pull back and make space for me.
My beautician said today, "If anything is going to happen it's going to happen to you!"
Kinda : )
I had news from Witness Care/Victim Support Team that I will be able to bring more than just my only witness to court in January.
I thought about it.
Where's my fan club? : ) : 0
My father has already said that he would be there, if I would like him to. Another friend has also offered. I have figured that this is wise - since I will be representing myself, defending myself. A few cheerleaders will encourage a sense of support. Of course, they are on my side. They would like to see justice achieved.
I was considering asking my daughter as well. She would probably come, if I were to ask her for support.
In the meantime in between time I have more paperwork to complete and other things to prepare for, in the arena of work, life, play.
Sitting still is not my natural modus operandi. I have to focus very hard on ensuring that I get 'rest' and 'still'. Yoga and meditation helps. Beach is not available, in this weather. Sun-bed pods are.