Energetic shifts
Closing chapters
Thank goodness. I have been exhausted in the last few days. I had one late night.
Beauty sleep helps.
I had needed it.
Juiced at 11. Plant power.
One of my friends commented, 'You seem very chill today'. (as opposed to frazzled)
(A few of many) Reasons being:
1) I prayed/meditated/gave thanks last night and this morning for everyone and everything in my life, my family, my furry family, my high-vibing friends, my unique beauty, my health, my wealth, my work, my talents, my abundance, my security, my energy, my blessings, girlfriends, boyfriends, not forgetting people who are less fortunate, and in bad situations.
2) I slept with a homemade hair mask in my hair (and my kitty and pooch who keep me warm)
3) I had a fabulous hair day (FHD) because of said hair day, then realised that once every five days I need only to to this to have fabulous hair. Lower maintenance for long hair. It will grow to my waist without a problem. Nice. No plastics involved, here.
4) I had a fabulous skin day (well, that's everyday)
5)I was asked to dress the Martletts Hallow'een window - sharing ideas and fun.
6)I am up to date with admin. Big yay.
7) I am about to prep for a show. Yay.
8)I had an old friend get in touch
9)My new tech (feeling like a teenager, again)
10)I'm going to marvel at the Chagall windows, this weekend.....
....Ad infinitum.....
And it's raining men.....splash, very flattered : )
My disgust for plastics, in food, in products and in people (the fake people, I call them 'plastic') is ever growing and to try to live a plastic-free life is more challenging than it sounds. If one is aware, while shopping, observing etc. one can make better choices.
Did you know? In some beauty products (this will not show on the label) the contents include aborted foetal matter. Nice : {
Good plan, rub or apply filtered dead babies and plastic into your skin (the largest organ of your body) NOT.
Did you know that most high street health and beauty products contain quite a high proportion of plastic. It's no wonder that so many women walk about looking like 'adult' dolls (yes, that kind of doll) what is nearly as bad, is that men want to f*** them. Really. Men f***ing plastic dolls, mistaking them for women. It's a f***ed up world.
My advice is to get your asses to nature, to Forest Row, do some gardening, get earthy.
Now that I have had my soap box moment, not angry, all said with fun : ) Back in the room.
What did I achieve today. Juice fest...vital juice. My favourite pet store, Luigi and Fi, buying pet supplies. Getting my HRT (SO important) for the next three months. Going to the chemist, seeing my friend with her visitor, checking out the hallow'een window (devised by moi), seeing another friend, then another, then purchasing a Phase Eight dress, a chocolate brown wool jacket, a 'carpet bag', style bag, two new pans (pancake and omelette), Erin Brockovicz (best movie starring Julia Roberts about a single mom in the doldrums and turns it around - inspiring), a multi-crucifix necklace for Day of the Dead (hallow'een), a Franki Sinatra collection CD, doing some important admin, sending off a contract and a VSC form, dressing up, chatting to Elaine and Colin, walking my pooch, updating my FB,Gram, Whatsapp, remembering 'G-d's Plan', looking forward to the weekend, trying out my new homemade body moisturizer (with no plastic), remembering my name : ), feeling balanced, feeling happy ....... thinking (but not doing) my tax return : { laughing, joking, and generally following my flow.
We are approaching 'Thanks Giving Day' (U.S)